Diffley-Wright Corporation
1891 Porter Lake Drive Suite 106
Sarasota, Florida 34240

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Mini Mizer Humphry Valve

| written by twg

The Humphrey Mini Mizer valve (B3E1 series) is a versatile product that can be used in a number of different applications. With its low power consumption (1/2 watt or less), together with its ability to be either normally open or normally closed, makes it a great option in your design.

If the standard offering doesn’t fit, Humphrey has a great deal of flexibility with this valve. This is really one of its primary features.

Over the last year or so, Humphrey has developed a number of different orifices for the Mini Mizer valve. These different orifices have led to success in markets where the standard valve just wouldn’t have fit.

Many of the specials that we have completed recently are for the pneumatic bed market and are used to inflate and deflate air cells. However we have also had recent success in the transportation industry, specifically in braking, as well as the oxygen concentrator market.
For more information on this valve contact Florida’s Exclusive Authorized Humphrey Valve distributor – Diffley-Wright Corp. – (800) 282-4886